The Living God
In Isaiah chapters 40-45 we see a common theme given to God’s people through the prophet Isaiah. This common theme is that the gods of all the surrounding areas and the people they had interacted with are not worth comparing to the living God of Israel. We see the common theme that God can do things that these other gods cannot do. We see also the common talk of a coming Servant of the Lord who is going to be better than these gods as well. This Servant is of course Jesus. You might be asking yourself why in the world does this matter?
Well, the living God that is talked about in Isaiah is the same living God that can deliver from anything you may find yourself in! There are times that God even insults these gods for their lack of ability to do anything even something as simple as move - but guess what - He can! The chapters are full of almost comparisons and contrasts to this is what God can do and this is what these other gods cannot do. In your life today, do not trust in the things that cannot fill. Do not say this or that is better, but trust in the living God that can and will change your life and anything you find yourself in!
Well, the living God that is talked about in Isaiah is the same living God that can deliver from anything you may find yourself in! There are times that God even insults these gods for their lack of ability to do anything even something as simple as move - but guess what - He can! The chapters are full of almost comparisons and contrasts to this is what God can do and this is what these other gods cannot do. In your life today, do not trust in the things that cannot fill. Do not say this or that is better, but trust in the living God that can and will change your life and anything you find yourself in!
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